Monday, August 30, 2010

Carnival rides in honor of Mother Teresa? Sure!

This weekend we hit the carnival at Blessed Teresa of Calcutta church.  It was in honor of what would have been Mother Teresa's 100th birthday.  They are fundraising to build a new church, hence the carnival.  Anyway, we all enjoyed it- rides, handmade pierogi, cotton candy, something for everyone. 
Caroline was feeling brave and wanted to ride a big ride with Daddy.
In line with Dave
And Evy and I were strolling around a little bit, then she spotted them from afar and started pointing excitedly:

She REALLY likes her big sister, if I haven't mentioned that yet.  If 'Caroline' were easier to say, it would have been her first word.  She tries, with various consonants and vowels strung together, and it sometimes *almost* sounds like she's saying Caroline. 

Anyway, back to this very grown-up ride Caroline went on with Dave:

And she was grinning like crazy the whole time, I couldn't believe it.  Dave definitely helps her to be brave.

That was Evy's first cotton candy, and of course, she loved it.  That night, after we put her to bed, we could hear her chattering on and on on her monitor.  Most nights, she's out like a light, but I think the sugar must have had an effect! 

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Odds and ends

Today we hit Caroline's favorite spot, Monkey Joe's.  It's really nice to get out with just her sometimes, and I know she enjoys it, too. 

What a big kid.

And in a couple weeks, she'll be back to school, two mornings a week, for preschool.  We're all pretty happy about that- she loves school. 

A few things about Evy-  she's had a little bit of a stomach bug for the past week, but nothing major.  She is trying to say all kinds of words, and her vocabulary currently includes: Dada, Mama, Eesa (Teresa), bye-bye, nigh-nigh, hi and uh-oh.  The other day, I was up in her room with her, and she heard my phone ringing downstairs.  She stopped what she was doing, listened, then held her hand up to her ear and said, "hi".   And today, Dave was putting her in her high chair for a snack, and he asked her where her tray was, and she pointed to the sink!  So, she's a genius. (of course ;) 

Dave is having a week of testing in his reactor operator licensing class.  Next week will be more tests, capped off with a long and difficult written exam on Friday.  So, prayers for that, please!  This exam will determine if he can take the BIG NRC licensing exam.  He needs to make at least an 85 on next week's test to go on to the final NRC exam.  Then he'll be done with this long program, and we'll be back to normal life.  We're all looking forward to it. 

This weekend, he's playing guitar for a wedding at our church.  It's a young couple, and I'm pretty sure he's doing it for free, yet he still is preparing for it as if it was a paid gig.  That's just the kind of guy he is.  : )

And me?  Me, who?  Every day I'm counting my blessings.  I have a wonderful life.  I have a sweet, smart, handsome Christian husband.  Beautiful, interesting kids who are great companions.  I have been tired for the past, oh... five years, but my recent sleep apnea diagnosis (severe, I stopped breathing on average 30 times/hour!) accounts for a large part of that, I think.  This Friday, I'll begin being treated for it, with a CPAP breathing machine that I'll wear while sleeping.  I think this is the first bad health diagnosis I've had, well, ever.  It is depressing.  I know I should be grateful that I've been diagnosed, and we have great medical coverage that will pay for basically everything, and I am.  Yet I do feel kinda loser-ish for being 28 and having that wrong with me. 

We-ell... that's all I have on my mind now.  Feel free to leave comments, including any prayer requests that you have.  And share-away with any non-freaky people.  Except for freaky family members; they may read it.  : D

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Getting started

Well, I've been wanting to do this for awhile, so here goes. I'd like to post regular photos and updates of the girls, in particular, but also what's going on with our family, in general.

So, here are a few pics from today. We had Teresa (Faith's baby) with us today, and the girls always have a good time together. Getting a picture of all three at once was nigh impossible!

And Evy in her bath before bed tonight. She loves taking baths, and if you ask her if she wants a bath, she'll crawl right into the bathroom and stand up at the bathtub!